Monday, October 1, 2012

How a leaf changed my life

As I was sitting on a log, admiring God’s great creation, a leaf fell on my foot. It wasn’t a green leaf; it was a beautiful orange leaf. As soon as it fell from the tree and landed on my foot, I started to think about my life. We as Christians are so much like leaves. A leaf is only alive for so long. It is always attached to the tree; however there are certain things that can tear it off. There could be a storm that blows the leaves off, or people could decide to rip them off. The ones that are still on the tree change color when autumn comes. The leaves become beautiful once they begin changing. But once they have changed, they fall off of the tree. We need to become like a leaf. When we were born, God accepted us as His children even if we don’t accept Him. If we accept Him, we are on the “tree” and if we don’t accept Him, we always have a rope leading to the tree. The rope is Jesus and the tree is God. There are things that will try and take us away from the tree. People will come and pull us into the worldly side of things, or a spiritual storm will come and make us question why we are hanging on so tightly. The funny thing is, that when we are full of ourselves, and prideful and arrogant, we are a green leaf. We are like everything around us. But when we fully surrender to God and die to ourselves, we become a beautiful, colorful leaf. It is then that we can “fall off” of the tree and land on someone’s foot to change their life. Then, when they are finished with us, we can simply sit on the ground, on our faces and worship Him for His greatness and power. While we are waiting and worshiping, He will send someone else to pick us up, examine us and start the cycle all over. But if we don’t surrender, we won’t be completely effective for the work God has for us. Because we won’t be changed by God, so we will still be on the tree, watching people pass us by. We need to be like a leaf, die to ourselves, surrender to God, and LET HIM CHANGE US!

How have you impacted someone lately?

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