Monday, February 11, 2013

Rediscover You

Hey Y'all! This past summit was really great! We had so many amazing testimonies of current addictions, and breaking addictions. It was amazing. I had never heard so many testimonies like that before. God was really working in that church. We had a big group of Happy Heart kids all week, which was awesome. And one of the kids, Jedadiah, wanted to auction a cow. So we let him :) He was pretty good at auctioning too. There were so many great times at this church. We are currently headed to Social Circle, GA for our next summit. It will be our 10th church of the travel year but our 3rd church of 2013. The time is going by so fast! I cant believe its February 1st already. In 14 days, we all have to tell Head Quarters if we are traveling again or not. I have already let them know that I will be traveling. God has really showed me that this is where He has me for the next year. I am so thankful and appreciative that I have y'alls prayers! (I have been pickin' up on the whole "y'all" thing) This past week we had a team meeting and Laine talked about faith.. It really hit me, I dont have faith and I need to. Its not something that happens over night, but God is definitely showing His faithfulness to me. He provides time after time and yet I doubt. I am asking Him to help me believe and trust Him. This week I heard this song again. It is called Rediscover You. The chorus is this: "You told me, look for You and I will find. So I'm here like I'm searching for the first time. Revive me, Jesus, make this cold heart start to move. Help me rediscover You"
I think its very fitting.
Thank y'all for everything!

1 comment:

  1. Faith is a very hard thing to have, for sure! I think you have more than you realize though. Just look at what you're doing!

    We're praying for you and love reading your updates!

    Love you,

    Aunt Michele
